• info@aquaafrica.org

The real story behind our vision

Yiannis was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, traveling with his father on a commercial ship. His father was the captain, and Yiannis used to accompany him during his school vacation. He was then 10 years old.

Although the ship was relatively new, an accident in the engine room was the cause of running out of drinking water. The ship was 4 days far away from the nearest port. 

The crew and the captain’s family, and the first engineer family who also spends their vacations on board were 25 people. For the next 4 days, each person could consume only one gallon of drinking water. It was not enough, taking into account that they were in the middle of the ocean in a sweltering summer. 

Although he was very young, in the next 4 days, Yiannis realized that water is fundamental for life. When they finally reached Lagos’ port and the repair of the damage to the engine room, they had to buy water at a very high price. He heard his father saying, “I wish I could have a magic way to bring fresh, clean water to every village and every person on earth and never suffer its lack again.” 

Yiannis’ father died 7 years later in a shipwreck. It was then that Yiannis decided to fulfill his wish at some point in his life. That moment came on April 2020, when Yiannis got the approval for the Aqua Africa Foundation nonprofit. 


Our Purpose

We wish we could have a magic way to bring fresh, clean water to every village and every person on earth and never suffer its luck again.

We do not have a magical way, but we do have the knowledge and magic in our heart to offer as much as we can to people that most need it.

Africa and the USA are our first destinations.

We have chosen Africa because there the needs are tremendous, and people most of the time are hopeless and without the power to find a solution, and the USA because it is our home. Although our country is strong and people-oriented, there are many children and older people who need access to fresh, clean water.

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