• info@aquaafrica.org
Concerns over road salt infiltrating Madison’s drinking water

Concerns over road salt infiltrating Madison’s drinking water

MADISON (WKOW) — While there’s no significant snow in the extended forecast right now, city officials in Madison want you to think ahead when it comes to using salt. According to Madison Water Utility, road salt contaminates the local bodies of water and the aquifer, which is Madison’s drinking water […]

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Support charities online with this hashtags

Support charities online with this hashtags

Hashtags on social media are a revolutionary way to find the latest news on things happening around the world. Did you know that you could also use them to support your favorite causes?   Here’s how.   Hashtags are also important for your favorite charities. Non-profits with an online presence […]

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Does Giving Make You Happier? Or Do Happier People Give?

Does Giving Make You Happier? Or Do Happier People Give?

Giving is a process.     According to Patrick Svedin, College of Science Development Director there is one important question to focus on. Does giving make you happier or do happier people give to charities? This could be answered by focusing on a certain study. In 2008, subjects had to […]

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How donating money can actually make you happier

How donating money can actually make you happier

  Does giving money make you actually happy? It is commonly accepted that if you are low on funds, getting more money will definitely cheer you up. However, after a certain number, it is believed that getting more money won’t make any difference. The effect that used to make you […]

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Bringing water for Africa’s poor

Bringing water for Africa’s poor

Trekking around 2km per day to the closest river for women & children is a reality. Around 140 litres are needed for daily necessities: drinking, cooking, washing and feeding their animals. Even in cases where there used to be water pumps in the village, they usually hardly function since there […]

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How the Coronavirus Crisis Highlights the Need for Clean Water

How the Coronavirus Crisis Highlights the Need for Clean Water

While confronting the coronavirus pandemic, experts insist on washing your hands thoroughly as a way of minimizing the odds of catching the virus. What happens if you can’t access clean water?   The United Nations have named March 22nd World Water Day as a way to make progress towards the […]

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